Groypers, Coomers and Kochsuckers

No Nut November is in full swing, and people are abstaining from self abuse, pornography and seeking Logos. Dr. Jones discusses the pornography industry, it's use as a weapon of social control, and how to fight vice and foster virtue.

Other topics include, Christianity, Catholicim, Identity, Race/Race Realism, Ethnicity and much more.

How to Thrive in a Culture Full of SIN

So how do you remain Catholic in a world that has distractions and temptations at every turn? Tonight we talk with Dr. E. Michael Jones about how we can live in a hyper-sexualized culture and keep our faith.

Original podcast from Catholic Late Night - Recorded 10/1/19

Practical Wisdom & History with Renaissance Man

In this podcast, Dr. E. Michael Jones shares some practical wisdom that he has distilled from his study of Church Doctrine and history.

  • 1:15 - Adam Weishaupt and the Weaponization of Sin (Freemasonry/Illuminati)

  • 5:08 - “Liberation” is a Code for Control. Sexual Liberation/Feminism

  • 8:30 - Social Engineering in Ireland: Political Mobilization of Sexual Sins

  • 14:00 - Dating Women

  • 18:40 - Roosh V & Conversion

  • 20:30 - The Relationship Between Church and State

  • 22:40 - Freedom of Speech and Psychological Warfare

  • 27:30 - England, Catholicism and Islam

  • 30:50 - How to Deal With Feminists

  • 34:55 - The Benefits of the Catholic Parish/FBI Infiltration of Dissident Groups

  • 39:00 - How to Achieve Success

  • 42:30 - Divine Providence & Geopolitics

  • 45:25 - Why Does Evil Exist?

  • 47:00 - Karl Marx and the Labor Theory of Value

  • 49:15 - Speaking Truth to Power

  • 50:56 - Parish Life and Evangelization

  • 53:51 - E. Michael Jones on the Cult of Personality

  • 55:42 - On Private Revelations

This podcast is an advance release of the video that will be released on Renaissance Man’s channel this coming Saturday. Be sure to check him out and subscribe to his channel.

Sex, Drugs, and Rock & Roll... Meet LOGOS

In an era of cultural decay, where sexual liberation is being used as a form of political control, people are beginning to wonder if Drugs are being used in the same way as sexual misbehavior. \n\nE. Scorpio and E. Michael Jones discuss the eternal Logos, political control, and how direct contact with Logos can free you from the chains of addiction.

Dr. Jones Speaks at Roosh V's Conference

While Roosh was on tour across the united states, Dr. E. Michael Jones attended his lecture in Chicago. Roosh invited Dr. Jones to address the audience, and this is the audio of what Dr. Jones said.

Meet The Real Mayor Pete

From nowhere Pete Buttigieg, the homosexual mayor of South Bend, IN, has become a well-known fixture in the American media as a candidate for President of the United States. In this video Patrick Coffin interviews Dr. E. Michael Jones, who is Mayor Pete's neighbor and author of a concise biography about Mayer Pete titled “Home Alone: A Neighbor's Thoughts on Pete Buttigieg,” a riff on the candidate’s memoirs (well, a memoir cum political manifesto), Shortest Way Home: One Mayor’s Challenge and a Model for America’s Future. (May 28, 2019)

Mayor Pete grew up on the same street where the Jones family lives in South Bend. Jones’ oldest son attended the same high school, where both were class valedictorian (in different years, of course), and both went to Harvard. Yet, in Mayor Pete’s memoirs there is no mention of neighbors like the Jones family. As Jones makes clear, almost nothing is what it appears when it comes to this longshot Democratic candidate.

In this episode of the Patrick Coffin Show you will learn:

  • The hard left wing political ideas of Antonio Gramsci and Michel Foucault held and taught by Mayor Pete’s father, the late Joe Buttigieg of Notre Dame, and how these have profoundly influenced Junior.

  • Why the homosexual is now considered the ideal citizen.

  • The context of Mayor Pete’s mendacious rise in local politics and why South Bend residents do not grade him highly as major.

  • How the Democratic Party essentially invented Citizen Pete out of thin air.

  • Why Mayor Pete’s so-called gay marriage in the Episcopal church is the apotheosis of the 1930 Anglican decision to permit birth control.

Sexual Liberation, Political Control & Freedom of Speech

Dr. E. Michael Jones joins Ayam Sirias on his "MGTOW Chats Podcast" to discuss topics ranging from the Urban Renewal projects of the 50's and 60's, how ethnic Catholic neighborhoods were broken up strategically, how the sexual revolution has caused wide spread moral corruption, and much more.

Libido Dominandi: Sexual Liberation & Political Control

Historian and former Professor, Dr. E. Michael Jones is editor of Culture Wars Magazine and author of many books including Libido Dominandi: Sexual Liberation & Political Control, The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and Its Impact on World History, and Barren Metal: A History of Capitalism as the Conflict between Labor and Usury. Dr. Jones is with us to provide his perspective on pornography and the role its exploitation has in the capitalistic subversion of cultures around the globe. We begin with a look at India, a civilization experiencing a rampant rape crisis that has developed since the free exchange of pornography has been allowed over its internet. Jones gives an overview of the sexualization of America through the conduit of Hollywood films. We talk about the steady normalization of degeneracy and corruption occurring in the mainstream and the political and social control achieved through the manipulation of people’s desires. Further, we consider the manifestation of socialist central planning that drives cultures away from their true identities, and this capitalist form of warfare that feeds on exploiting illicit passions. We continue in the second half with Jones’ take on the power and effects of globalism in subverting ancient cultures like India. We discuss how India managed to suppress pornography to satisfy the moral standards of its people until recently and how the shift to sexualization resulted in a reorienting of consumption patterns, the upsetting of relationships between men and women, and alignment with the argument that subversive activity is a democratic right. Later, Jones describes how CIA elites took over the Catholic Church and unleashed an unforeseen plague of sexualization, capitalism and usury. He comments on the ancient roots of Catholicism, Christian monarchies ruled by Jewish financiers across Europe, and the revolting Talmud that refutes and demonizes all things Christian. In conclusion, Dr. Jones speaks of the abandonment of logos in Western culture and the need to reclaim our connection to these fundamental values.