The Trad Forum: E. Michael Jones

Hosted by Saints Edward Media, The Trad Forum's goal is to explore ways to navigate our current political climate as Traditionalist Christians, and to prepare.

About the Event

For far too long the “Conservative” movement has compromised and capitulated to the left. We have slid down the slippery slope and our society is now on the brink of collapse. No longer are we merely debating abortion and same sex marriage, now we’re arguing against drag queen story hour and the normalization of pedophilia!

There is barely anything left to conserve, and that is why we need not a conservative movement, but a restoration movement. A movement to restore Traditional values. We must stand for truth, and preserve a traditionalist future for ourselves and future generations.

Keynote Speaker: Dr. E Michael Jones.

Dr. E. Michael Jones is a prolific Catholic writer, lecturer, journalist, and Editor of Culture Wars Magazine who seeks to defend traditional Catholic teachings and values from those seeking to undermine them.

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Michael Jones on the Moral Collapse of Our Culture

E. Michael Jones discusses the history of the moral collapse of empires, the schism of Catholic and Orthodox Churches, and the importance of Greek philosophy in the western world.

Original video:

Dr. E. Michael Jones is a prolific Catholic writer, lecturer, journalist, and Editor of Culture Wars Magazine who seeks to defend traditional Catholic teachings and values from those seeking to undermine them.

NEW: Jewish Revolutionary Spirit 2nd ed.
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GRN: Roots of the Culture Revolution, Logos Rising w/E Michael Jones

E. Michael Jones joins Guadalupe Radio Network (an affiliate of EWTN) to discuss the roots of modern errors and his book "Logos Rising."

Logos Rising:

Dr. E. Michael Jones is a prolific Catholic writer, lecturer, journalist, and Editor of Culture Wars Magazine who seeks to defend traditional Catholic teachings and values from those seeking to undermine them.

NEW: Jewish Revolutionary Spirit 2nd ed.
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Dr. E. Michael Jones, Tim Kelly, RTF Mike and Steve Cunningham panel: The Apotheosis of Oligarchy

Dr. E. Michael Jones, Tim Kelly, Mike from Restoring the Faith media and Steve Cunningham join a panel discussion on 'the Apotheosis of Oligarchy' in 2021 with reference to the oligarch capture of nearly all western institutions; 'the ecclesiastical structure' (part of the human hierarchy of the Catholic Church), the media, corporations, medical authorities, the courts, cultural bodies, 'NGOs' and of course political and government organizations.

They examine this 'full-spectrum dominance' through a variety of cultural, political and spiritual lenses.

Original video:

Logos, Ethnos, India & Asia - Dr. E. Michael Jones

T.J. Martin speaks to Dr. E. Michael Jones on Logos, Ethnos, India and Asia.
The origins of Logos in Greek philosophy and how St. John validates and perfects the understanding of Logos by identifying Christ as the Logos-incarnate in the first verse of his Gospel.
Why Logos failed to develop in India, caste system as the religious codification of usury, origins of polytheism, the Indian alchemy of cheap labour economics.
Why language and religion is the true basis of ethnic identity, simply put, why Ethnos needs Logos.
Other topics include the metric system as the manifestation of the French Enlightenment, Bauhaus and Dr. Jones’s upcoming book on Beauty and Aesthetics
Apologies for the background noise, cleaned it up as much as possible.

Original video:

How Sexual "Freedom" has Enslaved Us with E Michael Jones

Day, E Michael is on to discuss his book Libido Dominandi: Sexual Liberation and Political Control.

From the back of the book: Libido Dominandi – the term is taken from Book I of Augustine’s City of God – is the definitive history of that sexual revolution, from 1773 to the present. Unlike the standard version of sexual revolution, Libido Dominandi shows how sexual liberation was from its inception a form of control. The logic is clear enough: Those who wished to liberate man from the moral order needed to impose social controls as soon as they succeeded because liberated libido led inevitably to anarchy.
Over the course of two hundred years, those techniques became more and more refined, eventuating in a world where people were controlled, not by military force, but by the skillful management of their passions. It was Aldous Huxley who wrote in his preface to the 1946 edition of Brave New World that “as political and economic freedom diminishes, sexual freedom tends compensatingly to increase.”
The best method of controlling people is one that achieves its goals, leaving them completely unaware that they are subject to control, and the best way to do this is to systematically manipulate their desires, for man identifies with them. Defending them, he defends his "freedom", which he usually understands as an unlimited potency to satisfy his own desires, not understanding most often that it is extremely easy to manipulate them from the outside. This manipulation today serves the dark forces to improve the financial system and political supervision and exploitation.
They profoundly understood Saint Paul and Saint Augustine, calling this phenomenon "enslavement through sin."
This book, describing a coherent construction of a worldview based on this phenomenon, explains how sexual liberation has become a form of political control.

Original video:

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Dr. E. Michael Jones on Vatican 2, Civilta Cattolica & Judeo Christianity Today

Chayane interviews Dr. E Michael Jones on the topics from The Jewish involvement to subvert the Vatican 2 teachings, the latest book released by Dr. Jones, Civilta Cattolica: answering the Jewish question in Europe, & "Judeo Christianity" today

Original video:


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E. Michael Jones and Andrew Horval - Logos Rising, the Antichrist Rebellion, and the Uncle Judas

Dr. E. Michael Jones and Andrew Horval discuss logos, the antichrist, and "Uncle Judas," as well as how Christians can survive in a nation plagued with political correctness, and de-platforming.

Follow Andrew Horval on Gab: @horvalf6,

Audio Only at GOSPILLED Podcast:

Logos Rising: Part Two with Patrick Coffin

This rounds out a two-part series on the profound implications and global scope of Jones’ 800+ page Logos Rising: The History of Ultimate Reality. In the first episode, we covered from creation up to the Incarnation of the Logos Himself, Jesus Christ.

In Part Two, we hit the high spots from the early Church and St. Paul, up to the “death and burial’ of Thomism (the study and application of St. Thomas Aquinas to philosophical errors and other problems) in America at Notre Dame University.

In this episode you will learn

  • Why St. Paul’s speech at the Areopagus in Acts 17 failed compared to his efforts in Corinth

  • How the Logos was present, if simultaneously marred, in the rise of Islam

  • Vis a vis the Jews, how does Muslim rejection of Logos manifest itself

  • The discovery of time by St. Augustine in the fourth century

  • Why the Catholic Church strongly endorses the classical realism of Thomas Aquinas

  • How Hegel’s thesis/antithesis/synthesis schema is a secular reaching out for both the Trinity and divine providence in history 

  • The difference between science and Science, Inc and why the latter is alleged to be superior to religion in grasping ultimate reality

  • Why the future and well-being of the West depends upon its recovery of Logos

Logos Rising: Part One with Patrick Coffin

Where did everything begin? Language? Civilization? God’s people? The Incarnation? How about the discover of time, and the rise of Islam, and science?

All these topics and more are treated by Dr. E. Michael Jones, author editor of Culture Wars magazine, in his new (very readable if dense) tome Logos Rising: The History of Ultimate Reality. There so many elements to this important book that I needed to break it into two episodes. Not everyone is going to agree with 100% of his thesis, a maxim that applies to 100% of my guest. As ever, take what you find true and helpful and leave the rest. We cover the history of ultimate reality from creation up to the Incarnation of the Logos made flesh, Jesus Christ.

In Part II next week, we will cover from then until present day (well, almost).