Not that Innocent: Who are the Real Villains in the Life of Britney Spears?

Not that Innocent: Who are the Real Villains in the Life of Britney Spears?

I’ve never intentionally followed celebrity gossip. I’m more of a Culture Wars reader than a People Magazine reader. However, there has always seemed to be some sort of public discussion around Britney Spears popping up every so often since the late 1990s. Did you hear Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake broke up? Did you hear Britney Spears got married and divorced in Vegas? She got married and divorced again! Did you see the pictures of Britney Spears with her shaved head? Have you seen the “Leave Britney alone” video? Her high-profile conservatorship and the “#FreeBritney” movement came and went. Perhaps with the exception of fortunate homeschooled kids who were protected from mainstream pop culture, most of my fellow Millennials remember these moments…

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