"The Divine Plan" Movie Review and CIA Catholicism

Dr. E. Michael Jones returns to review the film "The Divine Plan" (2019), which celebrates the alliance between President Reagan and Pope John Paul II during the Cold War, and to give his thoughts on "You might be a CIA Catholic if..."

0:00 Dr. Jones's thoughts on the film

3:29 Who violated the treaty that Reagan and Gorbachev sign at the end of the film?

13:00 Dr. Jones on the point of the film

14:35 What was left out about the fall of the Soviet Union

20:15 The OTHER alliance and "missed opportunities"

27:25 The year of 1979

30:50 George Weigel and capitalism

38:50 The price the Pope had to pay

41:00 You might be a CIA Catholic if...

56:32 Random questions for EMJ

This podcast is mirrored from Catholics Against Militarism


Catholics Against Militarism Podcast

The Catholics Against Militarism podcast interviews E. Michael Jones on his views on war, the heresy of Americanism, the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, and more. (May 2019)

This video is mirrored from the Catholics Against Militarism YouTube channel.