Pete Buttigieg's Naked Resume

Pastor Mario Sims joins Dr. E. Michael Jones and Peter Helland to continue studying South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg, his suitability for the presidency, and those who are trying to launch him as the first gay president.

Pete Buttegieg - The Shortest Way Home

"As with virtually every other claim in this book, the facts stubbornly resist the paradigm Mayor Pete brings to bear to interpret them," says Dr. E. Michael Jones, who raised his family on the same block where Pete Buttigieg grew up, and here reviews Buttigieg's political book, Shortest Way Home. "Hasn't the city of South Bend become a hostage to your homosexual narcissistic fantasy of becoming America's first gay president?" (February 22, 2019)

Pete Buttegieg - Shortest Way Home

"As with virtually every other claim in this book, the facts stubbornly resist the paradigm Mayor Pete brings to bear to interpret them," says Dr. E. Michael Jones, who raised his family on the same block where Pete Buttigieg grew up, and here reviews Buttigieg's political book, Shortest Way Home. "Hasn't the city of South Bend become a hostage to your homosexual narcissistic fantasy of becoming America's first gay president?" (February 22, 2019)

Why is Sodomy a Shame for Some But Not for Others

E. Michael Jones, editor of Culture Wars magazine, discusses homosexual issues in the Catholic Church and their relationship to the community in which he lives, South Bend - Notre Dame IN. Mike's article in the September issue of Culture Wars magazine, "Cardinal McCarrick and the Homolobby," reveals that the mainstream media's portrayal that the crisis in the Church centers around pedophilia is wrong. Most sexual violations by the clergy involve homosexual violations or sex between priests and men of adult age. But since pedophilia is either illegal or seen as more egregious, the media wants to describe the homosexual activity as pedophilia. Mike explains how the Jesuits, primarily, have created a homomafia within the Church and have been intimidating the weaker clergy to say and do nothing when they discover these abominations in their midst. Or as Mike writes:

"Allow us to act on our homosexual impulses, the Jesuits said, and we will act as a fifth column serving oligarchic interests within the Church."

Mike compares the crisis in the Church to what is happening locally in South Bend. The local bishop (Rhoades) came from Pennsylvania and is now having to defend himself from accusations of covering up the supposed molestations. Ninety percent of the Notre Dame University professors are said to be for same sex marriage. When the homosexual mayor of South Bend was living openly with his future male bride and then later married him in the Episcopal Church, hardly a word of criticism came from the Notre Dame and South Bend Christian communities. "The Church may destroy itself from within - just as has already been the case in many places in the West. A Church which contradicts itself, rejects its own teaching, becomes useless and dies, like the Church in Holland. Anything that is self-contradictory is bound to disappear. Bad theology is dangerous.”

Logos, Trump, & Much More

Dr. E. Michael Jones, editor of Culture Wars magazine, and Daniel Walker of Activist-News discuss the concept of Logos in light of the Bible and philosophy; Trump, his foreign policy, nationalism, and neoconservatism; economics; Australia, Gina Rinehart, same sex marriage and corruption in the Catholic Church.

Development Economics vs. the Washington Consensus

E. Michael Jones returns to Our Interesting Times to discuss his articles "Julius Nyerere and the Heart of Darkness" and "Crisis in the Maryknoll Missionary Order." We talk about the collapse of development economics and how the example of the missionary work of the Jesuits in the New World perhaps offers an alternative model to the current usurious neo-liberal Washington consensus.