My Debate with Jared Taylor

My Debate with Jared Taylor

Our topic today is “Is race an important topic or a fiction?” And so, I’d like to begin our discussion of the concept of race with a reminder that historically race referred to ethnicity as well as physical characteristics. But before I do that I’d like to explain the difference between categories of the mind and categories of nature or reality by describing the biggest crisis to hit Indiana since the Civil War. I’m talking about the decision to put Indiana on daylight saving time:…

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Jared Taylor Meets David Duke

Jared Taylor Meets David Duke

Jared Taylor’s pernicious ideology became obviously clear when David Duke attended an American Renaissance conference in February of 2006. Duke brought the whole house down that day by saying that “There is a power in the world that dominates our media, influences our government and that has led to the internal destruction of our will and our spirit.”1 One can arguably say that the following reaction to this statement was a watershed moment which clearly indicated that the American Renaissance is an ideological organ which resolutely and systemically fails to address the fundamental issues.
The audience immediately sensed that Duke was onto something. “Tell us, tell us,” they said. To which Duke responded: “I’m not going to say it.” But Michael Hart, a Jewish astrophysicist who was at the conference and who was more interested in fighting “Islamofascism” and discussing racial issues in the United States, instantly knew what Duke was referring to. Hart, a grown man, was noticeably panicked at that point. He was certainly overcome by fear….

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Black Frankenstein Turns on its Jewish Creators

Black Frankenstein Turns on its Jewish Creators

Once again Michael Brown has held me responsible for attacks on Jews. Last year it was Pittsburgh and Poway. This time it was Jersey City and Monsey, New York. In order to make these accusations sound plausible against me, a man who prefaced virtually every YouTube video he ever posted on the Jewish Question with the statement “no one has the right to harm the Jew,”[1] Brown had to confect an overarching principle known as “Christian anti-Semitism,” to condemn me for what I did not say. “Christian anti-Semitism” turns out to be an oxymoron if we construe it racially or a straight forward reading of the Scriptures if we change the term to “anti-Jewish.”

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