Jared Taylor Meets David Duke


Jared Taylor’s pernicious ideology became obviously clear when David Duke attended an American Renaissance conference in February of 2006. Duke brought the whole house down that day by saying that “There is a power in the world that dominates our media, influences our government and that has led to the internal destruction of our will and our spirit.”1 One can arguably say that the following reaction to this statement was a watershed moment which clearly indicated that the American Renaissance is an ideological organ which resolutely and systemically fails to address the fundamental issues.
The audience immediately sensed that Duke was onto something. “Tell us, tell us,” they said. To which Duke responded: “I’m not going to say it.” But Michael Hart, a Jewish astrophysicist who was at the conference and who was more interested in fighting “Islamofascism” and discussing racial issues in the United States, instantly knew what Duke was referring to. Hart, a grown man, was noticeably panicked at that point. He was certainly overcome by fear.
As a racialist who seems comfortable talking about heated topics in America (such as racial separation), a controversialist who writes things like “American blacks constitute a separate nation,”2 one would presume that Hart would be more than happy to welcome the challenge and ask Duke to produce solid evidence to back up his statement. Hart could have even asked Duke to expand on his assertion and to explain what he meant by this “power in the world that dominates the media.”
But since Hart was conspicuously terrified by Duke’s damning statement, he could not think rationally. His reaction proved that he was not prepared to be offended, despite the fact that Hart constantly offends people. For example, Hart writes that “white racism” has been inculcated to “every young black” in America “every single day.”3 Sure, there is a vast section in the black community that has been duped by this “white racism” or “white privilege” mentality, but “every young black” has been victimized by this?
One needn’t be a sociologist or cultural historian to realize that the statement is generally preposterous, so preposterous in fact that Hart had to completely ignore history in order to invent it.4 Moreover, Hart saw no need to produce evidence for his claim, apparently because he is operating under a system which does not allow him to see things the way they really are.
What Hart obviously doesn’t want people to know is that Jewish revolutionaries, as E. Michael Jones historically documents, tried to turn the black population into a subversive cell—from Frederick Douglass and all the way to the founding of the NAACP, which was financially supported by Jewish bankers like Jacob Schiff, Felix Warburg, Isaac Seligman, and James Loeb. Jewish historian Howard M. Sachar writes that “In 1914, Professor Emeritus Joel Spingarn of Columbia University became chairman of the NAACP and recruited for its board such Jewish leaders as Jacob Schiff, Jacob Billikopf, and Rabbi Stephen Wise.”5 The late Communist Harold Cruse of the University of Michigan would later claim that the NAACP itself was founded largely by Jews in order “to fight anti-Semitism by remote control.”6

David Duke

David Duke

People like Frederick Douglas, Richard Wright, W. E. B. Dubois, Martin Luther King, Lorraine Hansberry, among others, were all products of the Jewish revolutionary movement. If you want proof of that, then look at the life of Douglas and Hansberry in particular. Like Douglas before her, Hansberry married a revolutionary by the name of Robert Nemiroff. Soon enough, Hansberry began to portray the revolutionary spirit and attitude in her work, including A Raisin in the Sun. She wrote: “God hasn’t got a thing to do with it…God is just one idea I don’t accept … I get tired of Him getting credit for all the things the human race achieves through its own stubborn effort. There simply is no God—there is only man and it is he who makes miracles.”
If man is the measure of all things and if he decides who makes miracles, then racism, genocide, “survival of the fittest,” and other evils which are incompatible with Hansberry’s heritage can find their rationalization in a society where man is the final authority. If man is in charge and there is no ultimate transcendent moral virtue, who is Hansberry to say that racism is wrong? On what grounds is she saying that someone else’s view is wrong? Without an ultimate transcendence, Hansberry’s argument is philosophically dead and logically indefensible.
Hansberry, by indirection, gave thanks to the real person who helped bring her revolutionary work into being. In The Sign in Sidney Brustein’s Window, she wrote, “I have learned a lot after five years of life with you, Sidney. When I met you I thought Kant was a stilted way of saying cannot; I thought Puccini was a kind of spaghetti…Thanks to you, I now know something that I wouldn’t have learned if it hadn’t been for you.”7
Hansberry could not put it any plainer. She was a revolutionary in the sense that her intellectual heritage was Jewish, but she found herself in a dilemma because being Jewish means she had to reject ultimate purpose or Logos. As E. Michael Jones puts it, by being revolutionaries, writers such as Hansberry lost their faith in God and replaced it with “moral corruption.”8
Some black intellectuals, like James Baldwin, began to see that Jews only gave the appearance that they were helping blacks, but practically they were oppressing them. “When we were growing up in Harlem our demoralizing series of landlords were Jewish,” Baldwin said, “and we hated them”?9 Why were they hated? Jewish historian Roberta Strauss Feuerlicht tells us:


“The landlords were hated because they did not paint or repair or heat, they just collected exorbitant rents…Baldwin lists the other Jews that blacks hated: the grocer, to whom they were in debt; the butcher, who sold them bad meat at high prices; and most of all, the pawnbroker. “It is bitter,” he wrote, “to watch the Jewish storekeeper locking up his store for the night, and going home. Going, with your money in his pocket, to a clean neighborhood, miles from you, which you will not be allowed to enter.”10


We are also told that “The overwhelming presence of the Jew as landlord, storekeeper, and boss made black anti-Semitism inevitable. Stokely Carmichael wrote, “Exploitation by Jewish landlords and merchants … first created black resentment toward Jews—not Judaism.’”11 Like the Jews in Poland, Jews in New York resorted to old tricks: “In 1960 sociologist David Caplovits did a study on ‘The Merchant and the Low-Income Consumer.’ He said that ‘many, if not all, of the merchants happen to be Jews and many of the customers are Negroes.’ Caplovitz found that the merchants used all the traditional tricks to prey upon the poor: installment plans, overpricing, and bait-andswitch tactics.”12
Irving Louis Horowitz, a noted sociologist and professor, recounted that his parents used to cheat the black Christians, counting it “a special occasion on which my father wreaked his own revenge on Christendom.”13

The scam went like this: the unsuspecting customer would bring in all light bulbs for testing. Each bulb would be placed against the side of the bulb tester rather than against the filament that would light up the bulb. The trick was easily learned and passed on to my mother, my sister, and me. I became a master at this special bulb test. When the same bulbs were retested after the customer left, they almost always were found to be perfect, or least good enough for resale. My father placed them into inventory and sold them as new. The special bulbs were resold countless times each season. Hence, it was no accident that the volume of December bulb sales probably surpassed that of any other month. December profits also showed remarkably uncharacteristic good health.”14

Hart certainly doesn’t want to hear things like that because that weakens his ideological position. Even when we look at violent groups like Antifa, it is pretty clear that they are of Jewish extraction. The Jewish Daily Forward, the “American magazine published monthly in New York City for a Jewish-American audience,” has implicitly or indirectly grabbed the ideological bull by the horn when it declared that the original Antifa—the self-styled anti-fascist movement which has recently created chaos during the Charlottesville debacle—“was a Jewish anti-Nazi militia.”
The Antifa was essentially a terrorist cell, in the sense that members of the group went about terrorizing their opponents with numerous threats. Mark B. Williams of the Jewish Daily Forward declares:


Antifa’s role in fighting Nazis in the streets reminded me of my dad’s story about his much beloved but ‘kind of crooked’ first cousin, Jake ‘Cocky Jake’ (and sometimes, ‘Jack’) Rothseid. Cocky Jake was the black sheep of the family, a guy who was connected with the Jewish mob that ran Newark in the 1930’s. It wasn’t that Jake was a hit man who ran around killing people; he wasn’t exactly Bugsy Siegel, Meyer Lansky, or Dutch Schultz. He was more like the local neighborhood wise guy. He was the guy who knew a guy who knew another guy who could get things “taken care of” when legal remedies were not feasible. My father always told me that the only time his family was ever really proud of Jake, given his line of work, was when they heard that he’d been involved with busting up pro-Nazi rallies in Newark that were taking place shortly prior to US entry into World War II.15


Williams also says that those “pro-Nazi rallies” and movements had a specific agenda then: keeping the U.S. from entering World War II. But Williams went on to say that “Most Americans of the time were deeply isolationist. The last thing they wanted to do was send American boys to fight and die in another European war.”16 That is quite true. But if Neo-Nazis supported the belief of the majority of Americans that America shouldn’t have been involved in World War II, does that prove that the idea was false?
Williams says that the Jewish community tried to stop so-called Neo-Nazis…..

[…] This is just an excerpt from the June 2021 Issue of Culture Wars magazine. To read the full article, please purchase a digital download of the magazine, or become a subscriber!

(Endnotes Available by Request)

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