COVID-19 And the Jewish Revolutionary Spirit in Argentina

COVID-19 And the Jewish Revolutionary Spirit in Argentina

Argentina has been quarantined more than 160 days since early March 2020 to fight the so called COVID-19 pandemic, an undeclared etat d’siege which none of the military dictatorships in its history dared enforce. In violation of constitutional law, the present quarantine has done away with basic constitutional rights and liberties by means of an illegal executive order from President Alberto Fernandez, the corrupt Peronist chameleonic alter ego of Cristina Wilhelm Fernández de Kirchner, alias “the thief” (la ladrona), former president of the country in 2007-2015, who now presides the Senate and still has to face the tribunals, criminally accused of laundering and stealing billions of dollars from the Argentine State in her previous administration.

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COVID-19 and Roundup: An Immuno-Comprised Marriage from Hell

COVID-19 and Roundup: An Immuno-Comprised Marriage from Hell

If you can contract Covid-19 more than once, can someone please tell me what good a vaccine is going to do? Anyone can see the war is on.

A crucial weapon in the attack is Roundup (glyphosate), a widely used herbicide that’s being used for something for which there was never any long-term safety-testing: the forced ripening of crops, called desiccation. This practice all but guarantees that this pesticide will wind up in our food,[1] as well as the animal byproducts that are used in vaccines.[2] It also happens to be a highly questionable agronomic practice.[3]

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Life and Death Under Lockdown

Life and Death Under Lockdown

This is the first Sunday with no public Masses. The new Archbishop of Southwark, the Right Reverend John Wilson, wrote on Wednesday:

A major change is the cessation of public celebrations of the Mass and the dispensation of the Obligation to attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days. We will, however, endeavour to keep our churches open wherever possible so that those who wish can visit to pray before the Blessed Sacrament.[1]

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In an article which appeared on the First Things website, entitled “Epidemic Danger and Catholic Sacraments,” Rev. Thomas Joseph White denounced anyone who had doubts about the state’s quarantine measures as exhibiting “a misbegotten exaggerated libertarianism,” as well as “exaggerated individualism, magical thinking that ignores scientific evidence, and religiously rationalized narcissism.” White then claims that his position is “based on a basic given of natural law. The state has a fundamental obligation to protect human life, especially when it is gravely threatened” as long as it follows “both traditional, time-tested procedure and proven scientific advice.” Anyone who claims that public health measures may impede “civic flourishing” is “scientifically unrealistic and ethically irresponsible.” 

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Open Letter: Gates & Fauci are "Creating Global Economic Collapse"

Open Letter: Gates & Fauci are "Creating Global Economic Collapse"

There are forces using this virus for ulterior moves and creating a global economic collapse. They are dangerously undermining the entire world financial system, which threatens the rise of war.

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The Corona Pandemic and the Cunning of Reason

The Corona Pandemic and the Cunning of Reason

Pestilence is portrayed in scripture as a punishment for sin. Yahweh forgave David after he committed adultery with Bathsheba and had her husband Uriah killed to cover up his original sin, but after David caved into the pride of the Israelites and decreed a census, the punishment which had been postponed became inevitable. But even here God relented and attempted to mitigate the punishment by giving David a choice. In the name of Yahweh, Gad the prophet offered the king a choice between three years of famine, “fleeing for three months from your pursuing enemy,” or three days of pestilence. Confronted with these options, David is forced to admit: “This is a hard choice. But let us rather fall into the power of Yahweh, since his mercy is great, and not into the power of men. So David chose pestilence” (2 Sam 24:14-5).

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