EMJ Live 9: Ratzinger and the Judensau

EMJ Live 9: Ratzinger and the Judensau

In this episode, Dr. Jones reviews the posthumous and suppressed book of recently deceased pope emeritus Benedict XVI. Did pope Benedict capitulate to amaricanist social engineering? or hold the line of Christian morality throughout the modern world? Find out on this episode of EMJ Live.

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Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI and Conversion

E. Michael Jones, editor of Culture Wars magazine, addresses emeritus Pope Benedict XVI's article in German in the July/August edition of Internationale Katholische Zeitschrift COMMUNIO ("Mercy and Mission without Regrets") and the resulting controversy, including accusations that Benedict was backtracking from prior statements on the Jews, such as the Vatican II document Nostra Aetate and a talk Pope John Paul II gave in Mainz Germany in 1980.

Viganò and the Homosexual Network

Dr. E. Michael Jones, the editor of Culture Wars magazine, on Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò’s revelation that Pope Francis covered for then Cardinal Theodore McCarrick's homosexuality, and the implications flowing therefrom.