Abortion Law in Argentina

A Jewish Operation with the support of Pope Francis

On October 2018 I wrote an article for CW with the title “A victory in the Culture Wars in Argentina” on the failure of the pro-abortion Jewish death squad to legalize abortion then (I gave a list of more than fifty Jewish pro-abortion leading activists and institutions). In December 2020, the same article could have been published with just a minor change of title, “Defeat in the Culture Wars in Argentina,” and hardly any changes in its content, for the pro-abortion actors, mostly Jewish, and the lobbying operations and the funding and the fallacies on the pro-abortion side as well as the cynicism and ominous clerical silence of most bishops, presumably on the pro-life side, were the same.  In 2018 everybody in the prolife camp knew that victory was an absolutely provisional one, for the forces of the culture of death would come back at once with a vengeance, bloodthirsty and heavily financed by the same sponsors as usual. That is exactly what happened. However, despite of it all, things could have been different but for one simple factor: if Pope Francis had spoken urbi et orbi clearly and firmly against the abortion law in his own country of birth, to which he owes his own career, and which, by the way, he has never visited as a Pope.  The question still remains: Why did Pope Francis not say a word against the abortion law in Argentina? Why did he not allow any of the bishops in Argentina to say a word against abortion, let alone organize any serious opposition campaign, which, again, with Francis’ intervention would have been utterly unnecessary? 

On December 30, 2020 the abortion “law” was passed in Argentina. Now any innocent child can be legally murdered in his mother’s womb before the 14th week of pregnancy and, in case of rape, until the 9th month. This murderous positive law not only is not a law because it contradicts natural law and is unjust against the innocent person of the child in his mother’s womb whom it should protect, but also is blatantly unconstitutional in the juridical system of Argentina whose Constitution establishes the protection and defense of human life since conception.

That Pope Francis is a player for the Culture of Death is a fact beyond the shadow of a doubt for those who have eyes to see. However relevant to our main concern here, it is not the purpose of this article to discuss Francis's promotion of heresies, a homosexual culture, idolatric cults like the Pachamama, and his demolition of the traditional moral doctrines and the liturgy of the Catholic Church. Here I wish to recall some of the names directly associated with Francis's acceptance and promotion of the culture of death as part of his promotion of the antichristian, secularist, pantheistic masonic agenda of the worldly powers, that is, Jewish power, whose agent he had become before he was chosen Pope with the support of Rabbi Skorka, the International Jewry and Rabbinate and when he accepted Shimon Peres's syncretistic Judeo masonic offer in Rome to lead a UN of all religions. Since then, with the aid of sinister and corrupt Msgr. Sánchez Sorondo, Parolin and others, Francis has promoted abortion in subtle political idiosyncratic ways.

In 1992, I attended the first World Conference on Sustainable Development of the United Nations in Río de Janeiro, Brazil, the so called ECO’92. Actually, I attended an alternative mini ECO’92 against the official one. The main geopolitical goal of that UN conference was to launch a world-wide program to reduce global population, a new international antichristian pantheistic “ethics” and a plan for global governance based on the Earth Charter neatly deposited in the Earth Arch. The flagship of the conference was Paul Ehrlich’s infamous 1969 book “The Population Bomb.”

Paul Ehrlich, as Stephano Gennarini of the Center for Family and Human Rights called him, is the Jewish “high priest of the culture of death,”1 a thoroughly discredited scientist and an “irrepressible doomster,” dedicated to promote anti demographic terrorism through false statics, bogus predictions and unjust policies against the poor which include forced abortion, prenatal sex selection, female infanticide, and forced sterilization. Nevertheless, in February 2017, Ehrlich was invited to speak at a Vatican Conference by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences and the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences. 

Another regular visitor and advisor to Msgr. Sanchez Sorondo and Pope Francis is the Jewish economist Jeffrey David Sachs, the world’s foremost proponent of population control and abortion as a way to reduce fertility. In this capacity, Sachs moderated and co-hosted a Vatican Conference on climate change in April 2015. In his book Commonwealth: Economics for a Crowded Planet Sachs advocates “legalizing abortion as a cost-effective way to eliminate ‘unwanted children’ when contraception fails and he describes abortion as a “lower-risk and lower-cost option” than bringing a new human life to the world.

An Unholy Alliance

Of course, in this unholy alliance with Francis/Sánchez Sorondo, George Soros, the Jewish financier, could not be missing in the visitors list to Santa Marta. Soros funds the most radical feminist pro-abortion groups all over the world as well as the radical PICO (People Improving Communities through Organizing) which held its meeting in California in February 2017 with support of the Vatican.2 

In keeping with Francis’s unnatural, progressive diplomacy, of which he controls all the “nuts and bolts,” we can also recall Francis’s decoration to Lilian Ploumen, the international abortion activist, founder of “She decides,” with the Order of St. Gregory award. Also we recall his praising of Emma Bonino, Italy’s leading proponent of abortion.

Francis’s recent welcome to Mrs. Forrester de Rothschild and a group of representatives of usurious capitalism at the Vatican, which they now call “inclusive capitalism,” inclusive save for the unwanted, completes the unholy alliance of which the Holy See under Francis has openly become a part. 

With this background, it is not difficult to understand why Francis gave the green light for an abortion law in Argentina as demanded by the worldly powers, to both puppet Argentine President Alberto Fernández and his Vice President Cristina Elizabeth Wilhelm Fernandez de Kirchner (alias the thief, “la ladrona”) when they visited him at Santa Marta. 

The leading voice of the pro-abortion campaign during the recent “debate” which ended in the abortion law of Dec. 30, 2020, in Argentina, was former Minister of Health, Dr. Adolfo Rubinstein, who represents IPPF interests together with Dr. Pedro Cahn, President of Fundación Huésped. Not surprisingly, both these two Jewish representatives of the worldly powers of the culture of death are also the main spokesmen for the Covid–19 scam and the big business of the transgenic experiment for population control that is being implemented under the guise of a Covid vaccine in Argentina … also with the support of Judaized Pope Francis, who has diligently reminded vaccinators the world over: “don’t forget the poor.”3

[…] This is the full article from the February 2021 Issue of Culture Wars magazine. If you appreciate the work we do, please purchase a digital download of the magazine, or become a subscriber!


  1. https://stream.org/paul-ehrlich-vatican/

  2. https://onepeterfive.com/pope-francis-praises-soros-funded-organization-encourages-resistance/

  3. See “Covid -19 and the Jewish Revolutionary Spirit,” CW, October 2020