EMJ Live 70: Jewish Lawfare Part II

Dr. Jones discusses the absurd S.4091 - Countering Antisemitism Act which is clearly the Jews imposing their evil will against the American people. Dr. E. Michael Jones is a prolific Catholic writer, lecturer, journalist, and Editor of Culture Wars Magazine who seeks to defend traditional Catholic teachings and values from those seeking to undermine them.

DONT MISS IT: EMJ and UNZ on the Killstream, Monday Apr 22, 7pm EST: https://rumble.com/v4qxa4z-killstream-emj-and-ron-unz-talk-gaza-genocide-media-complicity-3pmish.html


NOW AVAILABLE! The Holocaust Narrative: https://www.fidelitypress.org/the-holocaust-narrative

Dr. Jones Books: fidelitypress.org/

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