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The Demise of the Last Jewish Kingdom

Watching the press conference which U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu held to deal with the current war in Gaza, I understood the role which President Joe Biden plays in his own administration. If the situation were as grave as Blinken indicated, then President Biden should have been there representing the American people. Unfortunately, Biden’s dementia has rendered him totally unpredictable. For all anyone knew, Biden might have made the sign of the cross at a crucial moment during the press conference, as he had during his meeting with Netanyahu a week earlier, thereby enraging the fanatical rabbis who are Netanyahu’s main supporters.

To avoid any more of Biden’s diplomatic gaffes, Blinken had to go in his place and give a speech full of the heartfelt gravitas that was appropriate to the situation, which he did when he introduced himself to the world’s audience “not only as the United States Secretary of State but also as a Jew.”[i] Blinken can only speak to other Jews. Whenever he speaks to the rest of the world, Blinken begins every discussion by invoking the Holocaust narrative, which is intended to derail any objections to what he says. Constant reiteration of the Holocaust trope has rendered Blinken so ineffective that he failed on his last mission to China and had to be replaced more recently by Senator Shumer, another Jew with presumably better diplomatic skills.  “My grandfather, Maurice Blinken,” he continued, “fled pogroms in Russia. My stepfather, Samuel Pisar, survived concentration camps—Auschwitz, Dachau, Majdanek. So prime minister, I understand on a personal level the harrowing echoes that the concentration camps carry for Israeli Jews and Jews everywhere.[ii]

As I pointed out in a previous article. Antony Blinken is a Holocaust liar. The tale of his step-father being rescued by a Negro tank battalion is a fiction Pisar launched in his memoir, but it could not have happened, as the American Jewish Committee pointed out when the same heartwarming story got exposed as a hoax in the 1990s when PBS used it to calm Black Jewish relations in the wake of the Crown Heights riots in Brooklyn. Truth for Jews like Blinken is the opinion of the powerful, but sooner or later even the powerful have to learn that truth will win out, as it did in his speech when the optics started to speak louder than words.

What was supposed to be an expression of American solidarity with Israel turned into a bathetic, emotionally overwrought conversation between two Jews, neither of whom represented the interests of their respective countries, both of whom were determined to use the human suffering that the U.S. unleashed as aggressor in the Ukraine and Israel has been unleashing on Palestinians for 75 years to justify their tenuous hold on power. Without Biden as their figurehead, the 457 Jews who run his administration stand naked in the spotlight of public opinion as the curtain gets pulled back revealing that speaking in the name of America belies the fact that only Jewish interests are being discussed here.

Commenting on the Twitter feed carrying his speech, @hexloser2 asked, “Why is the US secretary of state a Jew?” The same question has been asked about Attorney General Merrick Garland, Biden’s Jewish attorney general, who is using the Justice Department to impose the Jewish sacrament of abortion on intransigent Catholic prolifers. The same question could be asked of Alejandro Mayorkas’s handling of the border crisis, which is being managed to dilute American culture in favor of Jewish hegemony. More importantly, why are Americans allowing the Jew Blinken to drag America into one more Jewish war? Was it to distract us from the fact that the last Jewish war he dragged America into, the war in the Ukraine, is going badly? The so-called summer offensive has failed, so now Blinken needs a new Jewish war to distract us from his failure to bring the last war he orchestrated to a successful conclusion. Instead of answering questions like that, Blinken mentioned “Babies slaughtered,”[iii] referring to a “canard” (one of the ADL’s favorite terms) which makes his Pisar story seem plausible by comparison.

As we have come to expect, whenever Jews need to justify war crimes, ethnic cleansing, or any other act of barbarism, they invoke the Holocaust. After the outbreak of the current war between Israel and Gaza, Ben Shapiro began his call for the extermination of “some of the most demonic evil pieces of human excrement to ever walk the planet,” by saying “This was the worst day for Jews since the Holocaust.”[iv] “They are shooting babies,” he continued. “This is what they do.” Does “they” refer to Hamas or Palestinians? Or Israelis? Is he referring to the Israeli soldiers who brag about shooting pregnant Palestinian women and celebrate that fact by wearing 2 for 1 T-shirts which display a pregnant woman in a gunsight?

If he had waited a few hours, Shapiro could have claimed that Palestinians had decapitated 40 Jewish babies. Nicole Zedeck’s report that 40 babies had been decapitated in the Kibbutz Kfar Aza was the top story on the Daily Mail for a while before taking on a life of its own and ending up eventually in Tony Blinken’s speech. For those of us old enough to remember the run up to George H. W. Bush’s war in Iraq, the story had a familiar ring, prompting me to tweet: “We’ve been down this road before. Remember the babies dumped out of incubators in Kuwait that justified the first Iraq war? It was a creation of the PR firm Hill & Knowlton. Bibi must have given them a call.” Those with even longer memories will remember the stories of German soldiers bayonetting babies after their invasion of Belgium, stories which got circulated by the British propaganda ministry to justify World War I.

At the same moment that Blinken was delivering his speech in Tel Aviv, (7:25 EDT, October 12, 2023), CNN correspondents Matthew Chance and Joshua Berlinger posted an article headlined “Israeli official says that government cannot confirm that babies were beheaded in Hamas attack,” an announcement which prompted me to tweet that it almost restored my faith in the Israeli army.

The war in Gaza, like all recent wars, provides cover for those who like Rahm Emmanuel never want to let a crisis go to waste. So, in addition to distracting us from Blinken’s failed diplomacy and his failed war in the Ukraine, the war in Gaza provides cover for the Jews who are determined to take total control of discourse according to their ethnocentric irrational views. The war in Gaza coincided with the tail end of the ADL’s campaign against Elon Musk, which was followed by the EU’s attempt to force Musk to adopt European censorship regulations and impose them on the United States in a clear violation of the First Amendment to the Constitution.[v] The war in Gaza has exposed the colossal double standard behind that attempt. YouTube is zealous in policing its platform and banning anyone guilty of what they determine to be “hate speech,” but Jewish demonstrators in New York can shout “Kill all Palestinians. Kill all of them”[vi] and argue in favor of genocide with impunity. This and other threats to “wipe them [the Palestinians] off the fucking map”[vii] appeared on YouTube. What happened to YouTube’s hate speech guidelines?

Alain Soral faces jail time for calling a journalist a “fat lesbian,” but Ben Shapiro can advocate Palestinian genocide in Gaza with impunity on YouTube. Actually, Shapiro’s rant comparing Hamas to “human excrement” was mild compared to the article, “What Israel needs to do now,” which Rabbi Dov Fischer wrote in the American Spectator.[viii] As a rabbi, Fischer has become adept at twisting the word of God to fit his genocidal political agenda and then proposing those distortions as the basis for American foreign policy, presumably to be carried out by Secretary of State Blinken. “The Bible,” Rabbi Fischer tells us, “could not be more clear in Genesis 12:3 and so many other places that G-d will bless our America as long as we are on His side.”[ix] To put this tendentious interpretation of Scripture into force, both Blinken and Rabbi Fischer must invoke the Holocaust as Fischer’s way of explaining the moral equivalence between Nazis and Palestinians:

As the German citizens of Dresden freely voted to make Hitler their democratically elected leader, so have the Arab Muslim populace of Gaza chosen to be governed by a party with a singular-focused platform and pledge: to wipe Israel and Zionism off the face of the earth.[x]

Having established his version of moral equivalence, Rabbi Fischer is forced to conclude that “it is imperative” to “exterminate Hamas” even if this means killing innocent civilians, i.e. babies, in Gaza. Or, as he puts it:

no civilian’s presence can justify refraining from exterminating every terror site in Gaza. Moreover, Hamas controls Gaza because the population of Gaza have voted for them repeatedly. They are no more innocent than German voters in Dresden who elected Hitler.[xi]

So, the 300,000 refugees who were incinerated in the real Holocaust at Dresden deserved everything they got. Rabbi Fischer prefaced his remarks by stating “I write this calmly,” prompting us to wonder what he would have written if he were upset.

Did the citizens of Dresden only get what they deserved? Is the same true of Gaza? If the Palestinians voted for Hamas, do they deserve the same fate as the innocent men, women, and children who died in the fire-bombing of Dresden, because they voted for Hitler?

Rabbi Fischer isn’t just a rabid ethnocentric pundit, he is also a theologian who claims that Operation al-Aqsa Flood was “not only an attack on the country of Israel but also an attack on the G-d of Israel, launching deliberately on Sh’mini Atzeret.”[xii]

In bringing up the God of Israel, Rabbi Fischen forgot to mention that abortion is a fundamental Jewish value. This means that the God of Israel is Moloch, which means that they should have no theological objection to the decapitation of babies, since that is what happens in the womb during the Jewish sacrament of abortion. But instead, Rabbi Fischer turns the Bible into a justification of genocide by identifying his enemies with Amalek. Fischer begins by demanding that Hamas and Islamic Jihad “must be utterly exterminated,” but before he has time to catch his breath it becomes clear that all Palestinians fall under his ban, by demanding—with theological justification, of course—that:

electricity in Gaza — which Israel controls — must not be restored until all hostages are returned. Biblical Egypt was dark for three days. Gaza should remain dark for three years or decades if needed to recover the hostages. No electricity, no fuel, nothing but basic food and medical supplies forever until all hostages are returned.[xiii]

Rabbi Fischer’s views are not uncommon among Israeli’s ruling class. Former Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett is also eager to play the Holocaust card to justify Israeli war crimes. When asked about people on hospital life support and babies in incubators, Bennett replied, “Are you seriously ... asking me about Palestinian civilians? What’s wrong with you? We’re fighting Nazis.”

To his credit, Rabbi Fischer is more humane than Bennett and the current Netanyahu government, which has currently cut off all food and water to Gaza. Rabbi Fischer tells us that he has come to these conclusions because he puts his “faith primarily in the G-d of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob Who guided both Truman and Stalin to recognize Israel in 1948.” God, in other words, and not Jewish terrorists like Menachem Begin and Itzhak Shamir, and other members of the Stern Gang, is responsible for the creation of the State of Israel. To believe this blasphemy is one thing. To impose the fanatical genocidal religion which he shares with Ben Shapiro on the rest of us is something else. To make that religion the basis of American foreign policy is something else again, something that no American should tolerate.

As Robert Sungenis has pointed out many times, the Jewish people and the Israelites are two different groups which should not be confused. The state of Israel came into being through terrorism, murder, and ethnic cleansing, acts which God cannot bless. Read Chapter Six of The Holocaust Narrative to learn about Nakam, the group of Jewish terrorists which planned to poison the water supply of Nuremberg after World War II. The Jews were so proud of their plan that they made a movie, called Plan A, celebrating it. There is no connection, either biological or theological, between the Hebrews of the Old Testament and the Jews who currently occupy Palestine. The fact that many people think there is derives from a heresy known as Christian Zionism, which began when Louis Untermeyer got Oxford University Press to publish the Scofield Bible. This heresy seeped into American consciousness because:

Most of the Protestant translations around the turn of the twentieth century, including the Revised Standard Version, were heavily influenced by Dispensationalism, Millennialism, and various other strains of Zionist thought that were promoting a political and spiritual revival for Israel and the Jews, especially after the United Nations gave 50% of Palestine to those who claimed to be Jewish and who took the name “Israel” for their 50% plot. The tendency among these bibles was to slant the translation to be favorable to Zionist ideologies.[xiv]

Ben Shapiro began his justification for genocide in Gaza by citing Masada, the mass suicide which occurred in 70 AD when the Jews failed to prevent the Romans from destroying the Temple, the means whereby the Jews fulfilled the Mosaic covenant which became obsolete when Christ died on the Cross.  

The Jews have been obsessed with restoring their kingdom ever since. The proximate cause of the current war between Gaza and Israel was the attempt of 200 rabbis to occupy the temple mount, as a prelude to destroying the al Aqsa Mosque and rebuilding the Temple which the Romans destroyed. An air of desperation surrounded the attempt, as if the rabbis knew that time was running out.

There is no connection between the Israelites of the Old Testament and the state of Israel in reality, but the link does exist as a category of the mind which continues to haunt the world’s Jews both in and out of Israel. In 1 Samuel 8:4-6, Yahweh warned the Hebrews that they would regret their decision to elect a king in the terms they were most likely to understand. Seeing the unsuitability of Samuel’s sons, the Israelites ask him to “appoint for us, then, a king to govern us, like other nations.” Samuel warns the people that kings lay heavy burdens on a nation. “Look, they said to him, “you are old and your sons do not follow your ways. So give us a king to rule over us like other nations.” The request displeased Samuel, but Yahweh said to him,

Obey the voice of the people in all that they say to you, for it is not you they have rejected they have rejected me from ruling over them. All they have done to me from the day I brought them out of Egypt until now—they deserted me and served other gods—they are doing now to you. We then obey their voices; only you must warn them solemnly and instruct them in the rights of the king who is to reign over them.

These will be the rights of the king who is to rule over you. He will take your sons and assign them to his chariotry and cavalry, and they will run in front of his chariot. He will take the best of your fields, of your vineyards and olive groves and give them to his officials. When that day comes, you will cry out on account of the king you have chosen for yourselves, but on that day God will not answer you…

[…] This is just an excerpt from the Dec 2023 Issue of Culture Wars magazine. To read the full article, please purchase a digital download of the magazine, or become a subscriber!

See this product in the original post


Culture of Death Watch

The Demise of the Last Jewish Kingdom by E. Michael Jones


The Sins of Prophets: Was Calvin a Homosexual? by Pastor Anonymous


Saul Alinsky and Notre Dame by Alyssa Rangel


[i]              Sky News, “Antony Blinken and Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu hold news conference,” YouTube, October 12, 2023,


[ii]             Sky News, “Antony Blinken and Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu hold news conference,” YouTube, October 12, 2023,


[iii]             Sky News, “Antony Blinken and Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu hold news conference,” YouTube, October 12, 2023,


[iv]    Ben Shapiro on the Daily Wire


[v]             Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald,


[vi]             The Grayzone, “Pro-Israel demonstrators call for genocide in New York City,” YouTube, Oct. 10, 2023,


[vii]            The Grayzone, “Pro-Israel demonstrators call for genocide in New York City,” YouTube, Oct. 10, 2023,


[viii]            Dov Fischer, “What Israel Needs to Do Now,” The American Spectator, Oct. 9, 2023,


[ix]             Dov Fischer, “What Israel Needs to Do Now,” The American Spectator, Oct. 9, 2023,


[x]             Dov Fischer, “What Israel Needs to Do Now,” The American Spectator, Oct. 9, 2023,


[xi]              Dov Fischer, “What Israel Needs to Do Now,” The American Spectator, Oct. 9, 2023,


[xii]            Dov Fischer, “What Israel Needs to Do Now,” The American Spectator, Oct. 9, 2023,


[xiii]            Dov Fischer, “What Israel Needs to Do Now,” The American Spectator, Oct. 9, 2023,


[xiv]            Sungenis, The Catholic Church, Judaism, and the Old Covenant, p. 79


[xv]            “Kings of Israel and Judah,” Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia,


[xvi]              Kevin Barrett, “Israel faces hopeless situation in Gaza, can’t kill Palestinian cause: Scholar,” PRESSTV, October 13, 2023,


[xvii]            Kevin Barrett, “Israel faces hopeless situation in Gaza, can’t kill Palestinian cause: Scholar,” PRESSTV, October 13, 2023,


[xviii]             Kevin Barrett, “Israel faces hopeless situation in Gaza, can’t kill Palestinian cause: Scholar,” PRESSTV, October 13, 2023,


[xix]            Yedioth Ahronoth, “Israel could cease to exist before 80th anniversary, says ex-premier Barak,” PRESSTV, May 7, 2022,,-former-prime-minister-Barak-says


[xx]            Yedioth Ahronoth, “Israel could cease to exist before 80th anniversary, says ex-premier Barak,” PRESSTV, May 7, 2022,,-former-prime-minister-Barak-says


[xxi]            Yedioth Ahronoth, “Israel could cease to exist before 80th anniversary, says ex-premier Barak,” PRESSTV, May 7, 2022,,-former-prime-minister-Barak-says


[xxii]           Yedioth Ahronoth, “Israel could cease to exist before 80th anniversary, says ex-premier Barak,” PRESSTV, May 7, 2022,,-former-prime-minister-Barak-says


[xxiii]           Yedioth Ahronoth, “Israel could cease to exist before 80th anniversary, says ex-premier Barak,” PRESSTV, May 7, 2022,,-former-prime-minister-Barak-says

