The Bondage of Lust

by Shounak Das

“Libido Dominandi: Sexual Liberation as Political Control by Dr. E. Michael Jones.” That was the way ex-PUA and blogger Daryush Valizadeh aka Roosh V began one of his live streams on YouTube. I had never heard of this man called Jones before and I was interested in listening to him although the title of his book seemed to be at odds with what we are told over and over again by the liberal media both abroad and in my home country, India, namely that sexual liberation was FREEDOM! How can anyone question the notion that “taking charge of your own sex life” is a good thing? Especially in a country like mine where discussions around human sexuality are largely taboo among the conservtive, orthodox general populace. Freedom is after all about breaking the invisible shackles imposed by society around taboo subjects and “talking freely” about it, isn’t it? Well, the answer is no. It isn’t. What the liberal intelligentsia are talking about here whether consciously or out of sheer ignorance is that the word “freedom” here has been wrongly used. The appropriate word is “revolution.” Revolution followed by social engineering to contain the chaos that follows the revolution.
When I wrote my first article for Culture Wars magazine on the metaphysical connection between the contradictions of the coronavirus mandates and Hinduism. That was done to relieve myself of the load of understanding what was happening and yet not being able to explain my hypothesis to anyone. I wasn’t even sure whether it would get published. I just sent it to Dr. Jones on a whim, and he seemed to like it very much and agreed to publish it for which I remain very grateful. I scarcely imagined that I would write again.
Having said all of this, the purpose of writing this article is similar insofar as I am trying to share my experience and lessen the load I have carried for the last year. The roots of my problem go far back but it’s only in the last year or two that it has metamorphosed into a gigantic problem and my efforts to contain it until very recently had largely been futile.
I guess every man of my generation whether in India or in the West who has been brought up after the sexual revolution has skeletons in his closet. That’s not to say that they are not capable of change and anyone who doubts that, need only to have a look at Roosh’s blog and understand and take inspiration from his journey from being a notoriously promiscuous pick up artist to coming home to Jesus Christ. His integrity is such that he actually unpublished the sinful books that he wrote which quite possibly contributed a great deal to his income. But if God has blessed you with a skill, you can use it both for the good and the bad and Roosh is still using his writing skills, only this time to draw more people to faith which is great. You have the free will to choose even the bad, and the human race, having fallen from grace from the time of Adam and Eve, seems to have a propensity toward the bad and toward distorted desires. As Dr. Jones says, you have the free will to choose to sin but the bad consequences of making that decision are inexorable

Lust Stories features women masturbating and discussing unfulfilled sexual desires

Daryush Valizadeh (Roosh V)

My problem or my battle has been for the last two years with lust. Extreme, unbridled lust and arousal of sexual passion usually culminating in the sin, the grave sin of masturbation. I say the last two years because I didn’t believe in God before that and it never worried me. In fact, I was actually in total agreement with the liberal media about the notion of sexual liberation as freedom and like many young people, I too would scoffat and ridicule people who ever pointed to the fact that sexual immorality of the sort being disseminated by OTT platforms like Netflix, Prime Video and Bollywood was having a corrupting influence in our culture. If anyone ever tries to connect the dots and say that the corruption of the culture was in fact contributing to the rape epidemic, he would be the subject of ridicule among the younger generation and liable to face the heat from the media. That in itself says something, certain lines of thinking are not going to be allowed which makes it impossible to bring up the subject of rape and sexual corruption in polite conversation. If that’s not mind control, I don’t know what is. I remember being amused by a comment someone made on a YouTube video about geocentrism which went this way: “I didn’t think I’d become a young-earther AND a geocentrist. Along with the Judeo-masonic conspiracy theories and my anti-liberal, anti-democratic, anti-feminist political philosophy, I have just become unfit for polite company.” I totally sympathize with the guy because I agree with him. It’s become almost impossible to talk to someone outside the Catholic faith on issues of sexual morality, abortion, contraception, etc. because they have all bought the lie that these are issues of “empowerment” when it is not. It’s about control and keeping people docile and slaves to their sexual passions. I should know. I am a slowly recovering addict who was a slave to his sexual passions and never even realized it until it became a huge issue.

Bollywood Movies

Billboard promoting condoms, featuring adult film star Sunny Leone

My story is a little different because while most young men “discover” masturbation in their teens while being exposed to pornography, I found out about it as early as grade 2 at 8 years old. At that time of course, it’s not so much the arousal of sexual passion as it is about “feeling good” by touching intimate parts of your body and discovering that it provides pleasure when “touched” in a certain way. Before puberty kicks in there is no release of reproductive seed so the climax is achieved through dopamine release in the brain. That ultimately became the main villain because once I hit puberty and became aware that my desires were changing, which is to say that I was becoming attracted to the opposite sex and titillating images of the female body whether in the movies or on billboards on street corners was having an “effect” on me, I grew a little disturbed. My misgivings were quelled by our science teacher in school who explained that this is a normal and healthy part of life and was in fact the way that human beings are designed. I thank God that homosexuality was not in vogue at the time otherwise imagine my teacher’s consternation if some guy had got up in class and would have said, “Excuse me miss, but I am offended by that statement. What do you mean ‘designed?’ I feel attracted to fellow guys. Are you saying that that’s abnormal?” Anyway, that answer to my concerns about my psychological state of mind pacified me at the time until the ghost of my past caught up.
I was introduced to pornography by one of my classmates and all hell broke loose. I found myself indulging in the same sinful act that I had been practicing all these years but this time the cause was different. It was a result of my sinful, disoriented, sexual desires and I was acting on them. Masturbation became second nature to me and I found myself craving for long hours of seclusion to act on my sordid desires. It must be mentioned here that pornography never really caused problems. My problems were with erotica in the written form and in the softcore form that titillates the senses which was almost always the product of Bollywood movies. From that point on, it became a vicious cycle of illicit arousal of sexual passion when bored, a total darkening of the mind and losing the ability to think clearly as if under the influence of a drug, and finally sexual release through masturbation and the subsequent dopamine boost to the brain to break the trance which I found myself in. Over time, this habit developed into an obsession and then addiction. I realized this when I found myself studying for exams or tests and almost always when the subject became a little difficult to understand or required a little more concentration, I would crave the dopamine release to calm my mind down.
All of this continued unabated, until one of my Reformed Protestant friends introduced me to Christianity. My forays into Christianity happened under dubious auspices though. I was introduced to PragerU which is a YouTube channel which takes its name from one of America’s popular syndicated Jewish radio hosts, Dennis Prager. Now, I have got nothing against the man, he is a decent human being but in matters of morality and economics, he seems either to be delusional or willfully ignorant. PragerU aggressively promotes capitalism on their channel and is one of America’s prominent voices for “Conservatism.” The videos feature people like Ben Shapiro, Steven Crowder, Candace Owens, etc. all of whom are committed relentlessly to the cause of advancing America as the beacon of hope for the world and promoting “American values” of which capitalism plays a large part. These people I imagine would gain a lot from reading Barren Metal and understanding capitalism for what it is, namely, state sponsored usury. Dennis Prager wrote a book entitled Happiness Is A Serious Problem.
The book largely deals with how to be happy in life, how to find a good spouse to form a family, the importance of friendships and so on, but there are a few glaring problems when he talks about morality and…

[…] This is just an excerpt from the November 2021 Issue of Culture Wars magazine. To read the full article, please purchase a digital download of the magazine, or become a subscriber!

(Endnotes Available by Request)

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