A Post-Mortem of the Alt-Right Brand

A Post-Mortem of the Alt-Right Brand

In terms of recent political history, 2016 was an exciting year.  Donald Trump’s ascendance to the presidency was on everyone’s mind, and a surge of populism gripped the country like a fever.  The Left had positioned what they believed was their most powerful, unsinkable candidate ever: Hillary Clinton.  Yet, day by day, a cultural war against political correctness was gaining ground.  On an hourly basis, it seemed, more and more people on the cultural and political Right were becoming less afraid of accusations and ostracism.  For years, it seemed as if the country were being ruled by a brow-beating species of cultural Marxism.  However, the time had finally come when people would collectively rise against Leftist oppression. 

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The White Guy Unmasked

The White Guy Unmasked

The alt-right is supported by two pillars. The first pillar is rhetoric, the other pillar is genetic theorization. There was once a third pillar, being those responsible for organization protests and  “marches,” but the events at Charlottesville destroyed that pillar, with no hope of revival.

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